Monday, 1 June 2015

Nichkhun Feat. Taecyeon of 2PM - Wan Nun Wan Nee Wan Nhai ( วันนั้น..วันนี้..วันไหน ) Lyric [THAI -ENG- ROM] OST. Touch the Sky-Chalui

Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands
Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands
Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands
Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands

อาจจะเคยโชคดี แต่ขอให้เรา

วันนั้น ที่เคยฝันกันว่าดี
แต่ขอ ให้เราฝันกันต่อไป
วันไหน สักวันความฝันก็คงจะจริง

 Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands
Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands
Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands
Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands

หากไม่หวังซ้ำ ยังหมดกำลังใจ
อีกเมื่อไร สิ่งที่เคยหวังจะเป็นจริง

(Back to Chorus 3 x)

Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands
Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands
Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands
Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands

We once dreamed
And thought of future days
We were confident we had time
And hoped to accomplish our dreams

We speculated what would happen
And dreamed things stayed as they once were
We might be in luck
Don’t assume we would forever be

That day, we once hopefully dreamed
Today, we may be disappointed
But we should continue to dream
Someday, our dreams may come true

Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands
Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands
Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands
Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands

We must accept disappointment
To pave the way for new hopes
If we are discouraged to dream
When will our hope become true?

That day, we once hopefully dreamed
Today, we may be disappointed
But we should continue to dream
Someday, our dreams may come true

That day, we once hopefully dreamed
Today, we may be disappointed
But we should continue to dream
Someday, our dreams may come true

That day, we once hopefully dreamed
Today, we may be disappointed
But we should continue to dream
Someday, our dreams may come true

Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands
Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands
Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands
Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands

Khngca khey tậngcı f̄ı̀f̄ạn
xāc ca khidt̄hụng wạn k̄ĥāng h̄n̂ā
xāc ca khey mạ̀ncı nı wạn welā
xāc ca h̄wạng ẁā pĕn pị dạng tậngcı

khngca khey khid deā h̄etukārṇ̒
xāc ca f̄ạn h̄ı̂ pĕn dạng kèā
xāc ca khey chokh dī tæ̀ k̄hx h̄ı̂ reā
xỳā pị h̄emā ẁā
mạn ca h̄emụ̄xn chèn deim

wạn nận thī̀ khey f̄ạn kạn ẁā dī
wạn nī̂ xāc yạng p̄hidh̄wạng k̆dị̂
tæ̀ k̄hx h̄ı̂ reā f̄ạn kạn t̀x pị
wạn h̄ịn s̄ạk wạn khwām f̄ạn k̆ khngca cring

Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands
Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands
Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands
Clap your hands everybody
And everybody just clap your hands

tạw reā xeng t̂xng yxm p̄hidh̄wạng
p̄heụ̄̀x pĕn thāng s̄r̂āng khwām h̄wạng h̄ım̀
h̄āk mị̀ h̄wạng ŝả yạng h̄md kảlạngcı
xīk meụ̄̀xrị s̄ìng thī̀ khey h̄wạng ca pĕn cring

wạn nận thī̀ khey f̄ạn kạn ẁā dī
wạn nī̂ xāc yạng p̄hidh̄wạng k̆dị̂
tæ̀ k̄hx h̄ı̂ reā f̄ạn kạn t̀x pị
wạn h̄ịn s̄ạk wạn khwām f̄ạn k̆ khngca cring

wạn nận thī̀ khey f̄ạn kạn ẁā dī
wạn nī̂ xāc yạng p̄hidh̄wạng k̆dị̂
tæ̀ k̄hx h̄ı̂ reā f̄ạn kạn t̀x pị
wạn h̄ịn s̄ạk wạn khwām f̄ạn k̆ khngca cring

wạn nận thī̀ khey f̄ạn kạn ẁā dī
wạn nī̂ xāc yạng p̄hidh̄wạng k̆dị̂
tæ̀ k̄hx h̄ı̂ reā f̄ạn kạn t̀x pị
wạn h̄ịn s̄ạk wạn khwām f̄ạn k̆ khngca cring

Source: taeckhunid,, GoogleTrans, Youtube

[TRANS] Esquire - Chansung of 2PM Interview ( June 2017)

Man at His Best Thoughts, Words, Dreams, and Chansung Chansung thinks. And speaks accordingly. And now I have a dream, Chansung says. ...